Thursday, May 13, 2010
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Time Travel, it’s only a myth, a farfetched idea, or is it? Time Travel has captured our imagination for thousands of years. What if you could go back to the past and change that bad grade? Albert Einstein’s theory of Relativity states that time is like a river, and that it could be bent. With the power of a star we could bend time on itself. “As we all know, no one has successfully demonstrated time travel, but no one has been able to rule it out either.”(Bonsor1).
Time travel has been dismissed as impossible. I believe with this evidence that time travel is possible. In my lifetime think that we will not be able to create a time machine, but in the coming century I believe that we will achieve some form of time travel.
Bensor, Kevin. "How Time Travel Will Work." Sep. 2007: 1. Print.
Multimedia Post: "time travel is possible." youtube. Web. 16 Apr 2010.
Isaac Newton said that time was like an arrow going in one direction keeping a constant speed. Hence time travel was impossible, but then Albert Einstein came along and said that time is an “old man river” (Kaku) that has whirlpools and forks. With this theory, physicists have come up with ways to travel through time. One way was stated by Einstein himself; it was to travel near the speed of light, in which time slows down the faster you go. This would be traveling into the future, but there’s a catch. We would not be able to travel back to the present, unless we bent space and time. To do this we would need to have negative energy.
Once again time travel is possible with the known laws of physics. I believe traveling in the future is more practical than traveling backwards. Traveling to the future has already been done by astronauts, a whopping .02 seconds into the future; so if we could make a ship that travels near the speed of light we could time travel to the future. These theories are now facts of science, and I would expect in the coming years a tour of the future and even the past.
Posted by Griffin Weldon Ash at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I issued a survey to people that know about physics and why it is used in everyday situations to solve problems. The purpose of the survey was to find out what people believed we could accomplish in physics. I wanted to see if people believed that we could do what was thought to be impossible. 85% of the people said that they think time travel is possible, and that physics can possibly be proven wrong. 90% of the people believed that physics has no limitations. Therefore the survey proved that people still believe that impossible things are not impossible at all; in the realm of physics that is.
What I've learned from taking this survey is that people are always trying to do the impossible. I learned that people today have a renewed confidence in physics and I believe that society is ready to make the impossible possible. From the responses I got from the survey it seems that there is nothing impossible when it comes to physics, at least that's what the majority of people believe.
Posted by Griffin Weldon Ash at 10:03 PM 0 comments